our story
Growing up in the Great Southern coastal town of Albany, are days I will forever cherish.
With an endless supply of wonderful memories from my childhood years through to my young carefree adult life. Those blissfully happy, salty and sun drenched days, where the founding years that shaped who I am today.
Our home was a very busy household, filled with noise and loads of shenanigans. With five kids under-roof, our childhood was surrounded by a large extended family with a strong focus on community, family gatherings and food. Dinner time was always filled with wholesome, good slow cooked meals, and there was always room for sweets. Dinner time served up plenty of unforgettable moments. There was an unwritten rule, that if you ever left the table, it was at your own peril. You were never guaranteed to come back to anything left on your plate, or what remained of your meal was sabotage with copious amounts of pepper or chilli hidden under your food, becoming inedible. Survival of the hungriest!
My folks grew the most amazing seasonal veggie patch, that would not only fill our bellies, but of those who came to sit at our families table.
Mum was always cooking. Most mornings we'd eat a cooked breakfast before school, our lunchboxes were always filled with homemade goodies, and the smells of home baked breads and cakes would greet as we arrived home form school hungry and ready to demolish Mums delicious bakes.
Both my parents were gardeners, both sharing a love of growing a visually fragrant garden, through to our families backyard veggie patch, Dads home brews and chickens. It was impressive! Honestly, Mum was a exceptionally good cook, who had an innate sense of flavours and turning home-grown produce into quality pantry staples was second nature to her. Mum would preserve everything that was grown above or below ground from our backyard patch. So there began my love of good food from a young age. Those meaningful food memories which have stayed with me and continue to nurture a strong foundation and appreciation of preserving foods and the value those food connections share.
For me, the importance of passing on those generational food stories and recipes became more apparent when we started our own family, buying our first home and planting our first family vegetable garden. Those food memories I so dearly treasured as a child, became more important to me as our children began to appreciate the love of eating home-made meals, learning how to cook hands-on in the kitchen and creating our own food stories.
When my beloved Nan passed away, the importance of preserving our families generational recipes took on a whole new meaning for me. The recipes and meaningful moments that I so dearly loved indulging in as a child became even more important, and preserving them through our local brand for our family and food lovers, was a nurturing way of stay connected to those past food pleasures and stories.
Food memories connect us all, an integral stitch in my story that inspired me to create our own brand. A product range filled with traditional family recipes, a long with an infusion of modern flavours that are incredibly satisfying. How lucky we are to live in the Southern Forest region, were I can create a brand that ensures our families recipes will continue to be enjoyed through crafting a quality driven gourmet range that captures our regions seasonal produce.
I like to think of our food range as taking home a locally made gift, a food memory that shares a taste of the Southern Forests at your families table..

our patch
Manjimup is now my home town (well, second home town), located in the lower South-West of Western Australia, known as the Southern Forests region. It's where our family, two beautiful children, hubby, myself, our pooch and chickens have called home for the past 30 years.
A beautiful and unique place to raise our family where you'll find some of the most pristine forests and rugged coastline to spend your weekends exploring. A pocket of WA that has fast become a global tourism destination not only for the great outdoors but for the diverse culinary culture that's evolved from a passionate community and the rich and diverse agri-tourism in the second largest food bowl in the Southern hemisphere.
I feel very privileged and proud to be one of many local artisans sharing a genuine connection in working towards growing our region's strong artisanal food movement. Inspired by my own personal love of good food and the generations before me, I truly believe in the importance of value-adding to what us locals already know to be some of the best quality produce you'll find anywhere in the world.
It's very humbling that we can create a beautiful range of products that showcases our region with authenticity, respect and love.